Feedback and Reviews

Feedback is crucial in the massage business, guiding us to maintain the highest quality of service while tailoring each experience to your needs. Your insights ensure we consistently deliver the most effective and satisfying treatments, ensuring you leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated every time.

  • If you enjoyed a positive experience We would be delighted if you can leave a review on Google Maps – click here.
  • If you had a different expectations or things went somehow wrong → please share via our Google Forms – click here so we can learn from mistakes and provide better service next time.

Important terms and conditions

  1. We do not provide any form of sexual services, including blow jobs, licking, kissing.. etc;
  2. Massage session time is calculated from your entry until you leave the studio;
  3. The nominal values displayed on the website are for informational purposes only and may be subject to individual changes;
  4. The massage fee is a voluntary contribution, given at your own discretion for the services rendered;
  5. By making a reservation, you automatically agree to all of these terms and conditions;
  6. Elem acts as a matchmaker.

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