Contact us

Feel free to contact us anytime via phone, SMS, Whatsapp or email. We speak English without any problem. If you need anything special, we will do our best to tailor-made just for you. If you are in the environment that call is not the option, you can easily use our discreet online booking tool.

Opening hours:
MON-SUN 9:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Important terms and conditions

  1. We do not provide any form of sexual services, including blow jobs, licking, kissing.. etc;
  2. Massage session time is calculated from your entry until you leave the studio;
  3. The nominal values displayed on the website are for informational purposes only and may be subject to individual changes;
  4. The massage fee is a voluntary contribution, given at your own discretion for the services rendered;
  5. By making a reservation, you automatically agree to all of these terms and conditions;
  6. Elem acts as a matchmaker.

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